Transparency in the rental ecosystem

We've crowdsourced ... court orders to help you make informed decisions

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Our story

My name is Weiting and I'm the Co-Founder of Openroom.

In early 2021, I was pregnant and dealing with a tenant who stopped paying rent. I was mentally and physically distressed.

After a 2 year battle, it finally ended with a sheriff eviction and it cost me over $35,000.

In late 2022, we built Openroom to crowdsource court orders for all of you to make informed decisions from the latest court orders.

Fast forward to 2024, there were 129,660 of you who visited us. You conducted over 2,000,000 searches in our database. Openroom has turned into an epic movement towards a transparent and connected rental ecosystem. You made this happen.

But we know there is more to be done.

I invite you to invest in us and join us on this journey.

- Weiting Bollu
Mom, Rental Housing Provider, Rental Housing Advocate, Educator, and Openroom Co-Founder

It is "passive income" until it's not

I was confident that I could figure out the rental business myself and learn by trial and error.

What's the worst that could go wrong? Everything.

At Openroom, we believe that education is a missing piece in the fragmented rental ecosystem.

We will continue to share knowledge and experiences through our Instagram, Tiktok, and our newsletter for free.

Openroom has partnered with Aztech Realty to put together a structured Virtual Training Program designed for current and aspiring small housing providers, property managers, and realtors.

Openroom's Core Focus

We’ve only scratched the surface on elevating the voices of responsible landlords and tenants. After speaking to hundreds of you, we know there’s more to do.

Not Passive income

Many believe that being a Landlord is passive income. Operating rental properties means you are a business owner. Responsible Tenants (AKA customers) need to be treated with respect.

Lack of Knowledge

Unfortunately, Tenants and Landlord tend to learn about the best practices and guidelines when it's too late.

Fragmented Experiences

Every new Landlord appears to go through the same set of manual steps and make the same mistakes. Crowdsourcing your court orders on Openroom showed us the power of working together.


We started off with just 5 court orders that only a few people knew about. Now, we're going all in because you're counting on us to solve big problems.

  1. 2,300 total visitors
    ~300 court orders

  2. Start of virality through word-of-mouth from the landlord & legal community

  3. Started partnership with Equifax and helped hundreds of landlords & investors

  4. Announced Rental Housing Provider Training Program (sold out!)

  5. 129,660 total visitors
    10,400 court orders
    2,000,000 searches conducted

What's Coming This Year

  1. Inviting 100 early supporters to join us and shape our future
    DONE (within 48 hours!) ✅

  2. Launch no-cost tools for responsible tenants and landlords our Openroom community

  3. Launching Openroom Premium focused on helping you create compliant leases, notices, and more

  4. More no-cost solutions for our Openroom community

  5. Openroom Premium upgrades focused on helping you manage your active leases in compliance with local guidelines

Your support is our fuel

Yes, we see you out there! Thank you so much for sharing Openroom with each other and giving us your feedback. We've just scratched the surface on the value that can be had when information is shared openly. There is a lot more to come!

Openroom is the best thing since slice bread for good landlords and good tenants

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Reddit User
January 2024

If you want to learn more about trouble tenants / landlords check out people upload their court orders there to help other landlords/tenants screen trouble before it happens! It's what all the tenants / landlords are using nowadays. Stay vigilant and stay safe!

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Reddit User
November 2023

A major shoutout to Openroom! Had a tenant inquire about a rental unit, a really thoughtful and strong-sounding inquiry, would normally be happy to offer them a viewing and an application. A quick Openroom search told me that she and boyfriend signed an N11 in exchange for waiving their 3 months unpaid rent with LL. When it came time to vacate, they stayed and fought their N11 at the LTB, buying them another 4 months of living for free at the expense of their LL. Was very easy to verify their identify with Openroom and Facebook combined, to ensure it was indeed them. Keep on uploading your LTB orders to Openroom and be sure to search prospective tenants you are considering!!

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Recently I rented out my unit to a tenant with fake credit and eviction on her name and started the long eviction process with LTB. This would have been avoided if I used openroom as screening process. I hope you guys can continue develop this and make everybody's lives better.

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Supporter, bought us coffee
June 2023

...I am happy to have another tool at my disposal for checking tenants as I am Property Manager and I have to deal with... people, most are good people, but the others leave a bad taste in my mouth.

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Supporter, bought us coffee
January 2023

Thanks for the initiative to help others.

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Supporter, bought us coffee
March 2023

Thank you, I really appreciate what you guys do!!

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Supporter, email
June 2023

Keep doing what you are doing, it is immensely helpful.

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Supporter, bought us coffee
December 2023

Thank you very much for creating! Such a great resource!

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Supporter, bought us coffee
October 2023

Just to let everyone know that Openroom does work, I have a tenant knowing that the order for eviction is coming and they were told by other landlords that he has an eviction for non payment of rent. The tenant went into a payment plan and did not pay a penny. He is now pleading to stay which will not happen. Happy New Year everyone.

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Housing Provider, on Facebook
December 2023

Thanks Weiting! I appreciate your help and good progress.

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Supporter, email
September 2023

Hello! Thank you for the great resource you are providing! It is a life saver!.

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Supporter, email
November 2023